写真 / イラストほか



Twinkle Night


Map of The Fortress of Alanya

Map of The Fortress of AlanyaPiri Reis - Ottoman Admiral 16thC



中平康レトロスペクティヴ―映画をデザインした先駆的監督 作者: ミルクマン斉藤 出版社/メーカー: プチグラパブリッシング 発売日: 2003/10 メディア: 単行本 購入: 1人 この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る 【映画チラシ】至極のモダニスト-中平康レトロスペ…

Medieval stuff

Erwin Blumenfeld

Jeu dit de tarot astologique

Jeu dit de tarot astologique - Henri Armengol - 1927 (mais droits domain public)

St. Panteleimon the Healer

Nicholas Roerich - “St. Panteleimon the Healer”, 1931

Rebecca Ferguson

Rebecca Ferguson photographed for Plaza Magazine (2013)

Lemon squeezer

Blue Hour in Paris

Queen Me

Happy Wednesday!

David Hamilton


“lalalala life is wonderful” by heng swee lim

Haruomi Hosono Archival Serie

Colori Proibiti (Forbidden Colors) 1989

Yukio Mishima - Colori Proibiti (Forbidden Colors) 1989


The Trip (1967)

白昼の幻想 [DVD] 出版社/メーカー: キングレコード 発売日: 2003/06/04 メディア: DVD この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る

‘Play With Fashion’ 

‘Play With Fashion’ Photographed by Win Tam for Harper’s Bazaar China May 2018

Alexei Sovertkov

Alexei Sovertkov

Giant Gila Monster

Giant Gila Monster 1959

Julia Lillard

The Alligator War

Greta Garbo at age 19 by Arnold Genthe

Greta Garbo at age 19 by Arnold Genthe, New York, July 27th, 1925. This was one of Garbo’s first portraits for MGM after arriving in America from Sweden that month. Homesick and unable to speak English, she wrote her boyfriend back home: “…

Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett; 1999.
